Monday, June 27, 2011

Antebelium Rules for the Southern Belle

It can be said that from a social point of view that the evry idea of a "Southern Belle", is an elitist title that was invented by wealthy plantation owners. Why the title itself has the very connotations of arrogance and self-importance. Yes, there is an air of arrogance and self importance to a degree in all Southern Belles or Southern Ladies, including myself.
There are many of what I refer to as "Antebelium Rules for the Southern Belle", and though sadly it is true that the tru Southern Belle has ceased to exist in today's society,  there still lives a Southern Belle in all women that are born and raised in the South. The following are a few "Rules" that the proper Modern Southern Belle still abides by.
1. Never wear white shoes before Easter or after Labor Day, except of course as a bride.
2. "Thank You Notes", are a necessary component of being gracious and appreciative.
3. Never chew gum or smoke in the streets.
4. Never show anger in public, smile and act like a lady.
5. Act helpless and confused only when it is to your advantage; never let a man know just how clever and    
    capable you really are.
6. Be elegant and graceful.
7. When all else fails, Charm, Charm, Charm.
8. Always be careful who you talk about. Everybody in the South is kin to someone. No matter who you
    bring up in conversation, you're bound to be insulting someones Aunt, Uncle, or third cousin twice
9. "Tacky", a term used by southern women to describe someone's behavior or appearance. Always dress    
     appropriatly and act like the lady that you were raised to be.
10. Smile politely and excuse the behavior of Yankees, after all they simply do not know any better.
11. Never, never under any circumstances call a man, trust me they will call you.

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