Unfortunately like many of my fellow Southern Belles, the plantations of our Grandfathers disappeared years ago and we were forced to enter the working world in order to attempt to keep ourselves in the lifestyles of which we had become accustomed to. In today's society of the working class, of which we have become apart of, though not entirely of our choosing we find ourselves working with many Northerners as well as people from other Countries and no I do not mean the Northern Aggression States. These fine folks not being raised in the South seem to have some difficulty in understanding the basic English language, so I have listed some of the very basic sayings along with definitions which I sur hope helps.
1. "You are barking up the wrong tree!" - You are wrong!
2. "I'm as busy as a stumped tail cow at fly time."- I am very busy.
3. "Don't count your chickens till they hatch." - Know the results before you proceed.
4. "Gone back on your raisin" - Deny heritage.
5. "Got your feathers ruffled" - Upset and pouting.
6. "Happy as a dead pig in sunshine" - Has no clue.
7. "In a coons age" - Its been a long time.
8. "Like a bump on the log" - Lazy.
9. "Too big for your britches" - Taking yourself too seriously.
10. "That dog don't hunt" - Your story is not truthful.
11. "Don't let the tail wag the dog" - The Boss should be in charge not the workers.
12. "Mend your fences" - Settle differences.
13. "Sun don't shine on the same dogs tail all the time" - You will get what you deserve.
14. "Stomping grounds" - Familiar territory.
15. "Well shut my mouth" - Shocked and speechless.
16. "Directly" - In a little while.
17. "Fixin to" - About to.
18. "Reckon" - Think or suppose so.
19. "Piddle" - Wasting time.
20. ""Good Ol' Boy" - A Southern man that likes anything involving a challenge or expression of virility.
I sur do hope this helps some of you folks that are not from the South, I sur do kit mighty tired of explan'in myself everyday.
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